The Ones You Forgot

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Live For The Now Acordes

The Ones You Forgot



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Live For The Now


  I wish I could say that I had a clue 
G#m     D#m 
  But I really just dont know what to do 
  I wish I could say that I had a plan 
G#m     D#m 
  But I always run when shit hits the 
E                    G#m 
fan Somethings in my head Saying 
drink the wine while you can 
E               G#m 
  Stay in the moment But I 
D#m                    E 
can’t when I take a sip 

E Well I gotta find a way D#m Gonna make you see G#m That this is not the last D#m that you’ll be hearing from E me Gonna take my time D#m G#m Gotta realize That everything D#m will probably work out just E fine What’s the rush for D#m You know life only has G#m D#m one destination E Thats the end D#m I don’t want to wait G#m D#m for the end I want to live for the now Guitar Solo E D#m G#m D#m E Spent so much time trying to figure out G#m D#m Who I am and who they think I should be E Balancing act and a heart attack G#m D#m Now I know there’s no turning back E G#m The joy in what we have D#m Is lost in wanting more E You better take a stand G#m And remember what D#m you fight for
E Well I gotta find a way D#m Gonna make you see G#m That this is not the last D#m that you’ll be hearing from E me Gonna take my time D#m G#m Gotta realize That everything D#m will probably work out just E fine What’s the rush for D#m You know life only has G#m D#m one destination E Thats the end D#m I don’t want to wait G#m D#m for the end I want to live for the now Instrumental G#m F# E D#m x2 Guitar Solo G#m F# E D#m x2 E F# E D#m G#m F# E D#m Outro E Well I gotta find a way D#m Gonna make you see G#m That this is not the last D#m that you’ll be hearing from E me Gonna take my time D#m G#m Gotta realize That everything D#m will probably work out just E fine What’s the rush for D#m You know life only has G#m D#m one destination E Thats the end D#m I don’t want to wait G#m D#m for the end I want to live for the now

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