Sturgill Simpson

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Water In The Well Acordes

Sturgill Simpson



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Water In The Well

Intro: D G D G 

verse 1 
D                        A 
They say looks can be deceiving  
G                          D 
There's been rumors going round 
D                               A 
One look at me's the same thing as believin' 
G                               A      
Everything you've heard without hearing a sound 
G                            A 
So if my eyes remind you of water in a well 
D                                G 
Its cause your heart is the stone 
G                            A 
And I know some times it can seem like my mind 
D                          G      
Belongs to a child that is grown 
G                 A 
Somewhere between you and me  
A            D                                    G 
I've lost my way and I've been trying to get back home 
G                    A 
Trying like hell but its too soon to tell 
G                      A                   D 
Our love has all dried up, like water in a well 

G D G 

verse 2 
D                             A 
Lord knows I've tried to move on 
G                 D 
Get you out of my mind 
D                       A 
You find your way in to all of my songs 
G                     A 
Every memory I can manage to find 
G                          A 
Someday if I'm standing on some big old stage 
D                      G 
And you're down there in the crowd 
G                           A 
Trying to tell friends that I used to know him when 
        D                         G 
In your heart you know ain't true somehow 
G                         A 
Trying like hell but its too soon to tell 
G                      A                  G 
But our love has dried up like water in a well 

A                          D       G 
Oh I know you see what its doing to me 
       D                       G      A 
Up here playing my part in this nobody town 

G                           A 
So if my eyes remind you of water in a well 
D                          G 
It's cause your heart is a stone 
G                         A 
Trying like hell but its too soon to tell 
G                      A                  D    G D 
Our love has all dried up like water in a well 

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