Ray Charles

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Georgia On My Mind Acordes

Ray Charles


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Georgia On My Mind

(Hoagy Carmichael, Stuart Gorrel)

	  Introdution: G  D/F#  Em  Cm  C#º  G7  D7/9  D6/9    
G7      B7      Em7  Em7/D        C7      C#º    
Georgia,  Georgia,  the whole day through    
   G7             E7  A7        D7/9           B7  E7  A7  D7/9b    
Just an old sweet song   keeps Georgia on my mind.    
G7     B7       Em7  Em7/D     C7   C#º    
Georgia,  Georgia,    a song of you    
        G7         E7   A7        D7/9              G7   C7  G7  B7 Em   
Comes sweet and clear  as moonlight through the pines.    
Em5+   Em6 Em5+          Em    
Other arms  reach out to me,    
Em5+   Em7              A7/13    
Other eyes smile tenderly.    
Em  Em5+              C#º               Bm7          G#º      A7  D7/9b    
  Still in peaceful dreams I see   the road leads back to you.    
G7    B7       Em7   Em7/D     C7   C#º    
Georgia,   Georgia,  no peace I find.    
     G7         E7      A7       D7/9            G7   C7  G7   B7    
Just an old sweet song    keeps Georgia on my mind.    
Em7   Am7 Em7           C7/9    
Other arms  reach out to me,    
Em7   Am7  Em7        A7/13    
Other eyes smile tenderly,    
Em   Am7       Em                C#º     Bm7          G#º      A7  D7/9b    
  Still in peaceful dreams I see   the road leads back to you.    
G7    B7         Em7     Em7/D         C7   C#º    
Georgia,   Georgia,         no peace I find.    
      G7              E7    A7           D7/9               E7    
Just an old sweet song         keeps Georgia on my mind.    
      A7                D7/9                      G7  C7  G7  D7/9   G7     
Just an old sweet song     keeps Georgia on my mind.   


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