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Staircase At The University Acordes




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Staircase At The University


F      Bb 
March, April, May 
F           Bb 
She crammed night and day 
F                 Bb         C 
I hadn't seen her smile in a while 

F      Bb 
March, April, May 
F           Bb 
She crammed night and day 
F                 Dm         Gm      Bb 
I hadn't seen her smile in a while 

Cm        Bb     Gm      D 
Staircase at the university 
    Gm                Bb  Dm 
She threw herself down  
        C                Bb   
and her head split three ways 

F Bb F Bb F Gm Bb 

F             Bb            F          Bb 
"If you don't get three As," her sweet daddy said 
          F                    Bb                           C 
You're no child of mine and as far as I'm concerned, you're dead 
F             Bb            F          Bb  
"If you don't get three As," her sweet daddy said 
          F                    Dm                           Gm     Bb 
You're no child of mine and as far as I'm concerned, you're dead 

Cm        Bb     Gm      D 
Staircase at the university 
    Gm                Bb  Dm 
She threw herself down  
        C                Bb   
and her head split three ways 

F Bb F Bb F Gm Bb 

F             Bb            F               Bb 
"If you don't get three As," her lovely boyfriend said 
      F               Bb               C 
Your shame is sure to stain the family name 
F             Bb            F              Bb 
"If you don't get three As," her lovely boyfriend said 
      F               Dm               Gm     Bb 
Your shame is sure to stain the family name 

Cm        Bb     Gm      D 
Staircase at the university 
    Gm                Bb  Dm 
She threw herself down  
        C                Bb   
and her head split three ways 

F Bb F Bb F Gm Bb 

F                  Bb                 
Crammin', jammin', pack-em-in rammin' 
F                        Bb               
Chock-a-block box, power study, polish up 
          F                      Bb                    C 
And if it breaks your heart then don't come running to me 

F                  Bb 
Crammin', jammin', pack-em-in rammin' 
F                        Bb 
Chock-a-block box, power study, polish up 
          F                     Dm                    Gm   Bb          
And if it breaks your legs then don't come running to me 

Cm Bb Gm D 
Gm Bb D C 
Bb F Bb F Bb F Gm Bb 

F Bb F Bb F Bb C 

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