
Início > Morrissey > acordes

Seasick Yet Still Docked Acordes




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Seasick Yet Still Docked

Capo en el 2º traste
Intro F  C  F  C 
Primeira Parte 

Am     Em   G               C  D 
I am a poor freezingly cold soul 
Am          Em 
So far from where 
G             F  G 
I'm intended to go 

( F  C  F  C ) 

Am           Em      G                    C    D 
  Scavenging through life's very constant lulls 
Am            Em 
  So far from where 
G                   F  G 
  I'm determined to go 

( F  C  F  C ) 
Segunda Parte 

Am                Em     G               C   D 
  Wish I knew the way to reach the one I love 
Am          Em   G   F  G 
There is no way 

( F  C  F  C ) 

Am               Em        G                C   D 
  Wish I had the charm to attract the one I love 
Am            Em 
  But you see, 
            G     F  G 
I've got no charm 

( F  C  F  C ) 
Terceira Parte 

Am                Em         G               C   D 
  Tonight I've consumed much more than I can hold 
Am          Em 
   Oh, this is 
              G    F  G 
very clear to you 

( F  C  F  C ) 

Am            Em          G            C    D 
  And you can tell I have never really loved 
Am                     Em 
  You can tell, by the way, 
            G     F  G 
I sleep all day 

( F  C  F  C ) 
Quarta Parte 

Am              Em          G          C    D 
  And all of my life no-one gave me anything 
Am           Em 
  No-one has ever given me 
G             F  G 

( F  C  F  C ) 

Am              Em         G              C  D 
  My love is as sharp as a needle in your eye 
Am            Em 
  You must be such a fool 
           G  F  G 
to pass me by 

( F  C  F  C ) 
Final Am  E  G  D 
        F  C  D  E 
        Am  E  G  D 
        F  C  D  E 
        F  C  F  C 

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