Mia Morris

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Times Up Acordes

Mia Morris



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Times Up

Tono:  A Más
Times Up Key EE
Times Up Key FF
Times Up Key F#F#
Times Up Key GG(Disminuir uno tono)
Times Up Key G#G#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Times Up Key AA(tono original)
Times Up Key A#A#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Times Up Key BB(Aumentar uno tono)
Times Up Key CC
Times Up Key C#C#
Times Up Key DD
Times Up Key D#D#

Time's up 

A G C D  x2 


A G A C  x2 

Not looking back 
When you act i react 
I'm right here now 
            B G 
So bring it on 
This ship is sinking 
No room for thinking 
Cause what's done is 
B    C 
Done you don't see 
What you got coming 
Won't take long 
So let's go 

A G C Time's up whatcha D Gonna do about it? A G C i'm done whatcha D A G Gonna say? i got C D Got you in my sights C And now the secondhand D Is stopped enough now A C A G Time is up ha! woo! A You really thought you Were safe but you're not C Cause you've done all B G A This before stop playing nice That won't work on me twice C You made it to the end D My encore
A G C Time's up whatcha D Gonna do about it? A G C i'm done whatcha D A G Gonna say? i got C D Got you in my sights C And now the secondhand D Is stopped enough Now time is up instrumental A G C D x2 Solo A G C D x3 then C D
A G C Time's up whatcha D Gonna do about it? A G C i'm done whatcha D A G Gonna say? i got C D Got you in my sights C And now the secondhand D Is stopped enough Now time is up
A G C Time's up whatcha D Gonna do about it? A G C i'm done whatcha D A G Gonna say? i got C D Got you in my sights C And now the secondhand D Is stopped enough Now time is up C And now the secondhand D Is stopped enough Now time is up C And now the secondhand D Is stopped enough A Now time is up

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