Mayo Thompson

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Good Brisk Blues Acordes

Mayo Thompson



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Good Brisk Blues


  Poor darling Mary, alone with her blues 
    Bb            F      Cm 
Her tongue it was out to kill her 
 After she had wished she were dead and her poor heart, it had bled 
    Bb        F         Cm 
Her tongue it turned to silver 

G Give me a good brisk blues, to help me get my shoes Cm Back onto that path to glory G Read all maps and signs, and someday soon you will find Cm That you, too, know the story
Cm Oh dear Stellas skirt and golden Ellies shirt Bb F Cm And the bras and panties that are on their bodies Cm Are just like their face with the features in place Bb F Cm And reveal a sadness that electrifies me Bridge Eb Ab G Cm7 Cm From the canyon in your heart, the valley between your breasts Bb F Cm Comes your lifelike pageless pounding Cm And though I'm sometimes mad, and I might feel a little bad Bb F Cm There's no denying that ancient sounding Eb Ab Call him a waste, a kick in the face G Cm7 Or any old pain that strikes you Eb But once they've gone it just won't be too long Ab G Before you want them you'll have them back again Cm Back again Interlude Cm Bb F Cm X2 Cm Well, platinum pumps and silken lumps Bb F Cm Your blood flowing beneath your bodice Cm It's no surprise it just gives my heart a rise Bb F Cm When you bend down to tie your shoelace
G Give me a good brisk blues, to help me get my shoes Cm Back onto that path to glory G Read all maps and signs, and someday soon you will find Cm That you, too, know the story
Outro Cm Bb F Cm

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