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Some Girls Acordes




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Some Girls

Tono:  C Más
Some Girls Key GG
Some Girls Key G#G#
Some Girls Key AA
Some Girls Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
Some Girls Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Some Girls Key CC(tono original)
Some Girls Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Some Girls Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
Some Girls Key D#D#
Some Girls Key EE
Some Girls Key FF
Some Girls Key F#F#

  Some girls can do anything 
  Whole world hanging on a string 
  She is flawless, so fresh and clean (Like a virgin, sweet and keen) 
  Some girls got an attitude 
  Fake tits and a nasty mood 
  Hot chick when she's in the nude (In the naughty, naked, nude) 
  Some girls got a sexy slur 
  One drink and it's all a blur 
  Cash now if you wanna flirt (Cash or credit, it's gonna hurt) 
  Some girls going off the deep end 
  Some girls living for the weekend 
  Some girls like to get their freak on (Freaky, getting freaky) 

Some girls make a scene 
Shoot their mouths and talk obscene 
Bb                       F 
Crying in the limousine (Crying in the limousine) 
Cm                       Eb 
Some girls make you feel like a rocket, hard as steel 
Bb                           F 
Some girls only ever like to tease (Some girls only like to tease) 

Cm Eb Some girls are not like me Bb F I'm everything you ever dreamed of Cm Eb I got you begging, baby, "please" Bb F I got you begging, baby, "please" Cm Some girls wanna call the shots Cm Come first, wanna be on top Cm Gotta work 'til you hit the spot (Spot, spot, spot) Cm Some girls have a filthy mouth Cm All talk and they never stop Cm Just takin', it's not enough (Too much is never enough) Cm Some girls make a scene Eb Shoot their mouths and talk obscene Bb F Crying in the limousine (Crying in the limousine) Cm Eb Some girls make you feel like a rocket, hard as steel Bb F Some girls only ever like to tease (Some girls only like to tease)
Cm Eb Some girls are not like me Bb F I'm everything you ever dreamed of (Your worst nightmare) Cm Eb I got you begging, baby, "please" Bb F I got you begging, baby, "please" Instrumental Cm Eb Bb F Cm Eb Bb F Eb Wrap your arms around my neck Bb It's time to deal, so cut the deck F If you wanna play this game with me Eb I'm not like all the rest Bb Some girls are second best F Put your loving to the test, you'll see Breakdown Eb Bb Some girls are not like me F I never wanna be like some girls Eb Bb Some girls are just for free F I never wanna be like some girls
Cm Eb Some girls are not like me Bb F I'm everything you ever dreamed of Cm Eb I got you begging, baby, "please" Bb F I got you begging, baby, "please" (Got their "fuck me" porn star heels on) Cm Eb Some girls are not like me Bb F I'm better than you ever dreamed of Cm Eb I got you baby on your knees Bb F I got you begging, "baby, please" Outro Cm Eb Some girls are not like me Bb F I never wanna be like some girls (Got their "fuck me" porn star heels on) Cm Eb Some girls are just for free Bb F Cm I never wanna be like some girls

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