Mad Planets

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Yr Version Of Cool Acordes

Mad Planets



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Yr Version Of Cool


Bm                       D 
     I’d follow you most anywhere 
Bm                            D 
     I’ll wear your badge and cut my hair 
     I’m sick inside but they don’t care 
         F#m     G 
It’s not so hard now 
Bm                    D 
     Watch the mods shake their knee 
Bm               D 
    Bounce a soul for pedigree 
     G                     D 
    All alone shoot those looks at me 
F#m   A 
Count on 

F#m G F#m That it will happen in its own strange way F#m Em A F#m G I’m tired of wanting what I don't have Bm A F#m G Fuck you for flaunting your version of cool Bm A F#m G He wants the birthday girl wrapped in his hand F#m A D F#m But it will happen in its own strange way
A A A A F#m Bm D Girls with glasses rule the bar Bm D Strike their matches on a moving car G D F#m G “and if I had an acoustic guitar” well, you know Bm D I watch the future in a chair Bm D In a pavilion at the world’s fair G A F#m Pop songs come when the peasants care F#m A I hope
F# G F#m that it will happen in its own strange way Em A F#m G I’m tired of wanting what I don't have Em A F#m G Fuck you for flaunting your version of cool Bm A F#m G F#m A She has the birthday girl wrapped in her hand but it will happen in its own strange way
Outro F#m A D F#m A D Bm A D G Bm A D G Bm A F#m G Bm A F#m G F#m A F#m A Bm A D F#m A F# G

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