Luke Combs

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Every Little Bit Helps Acordes

Luke Combs



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Every Little Bit Helps

(Luke Combs/Chase McGill/James McNair)

	  Intro: G  Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9 

G                                 Cadd9                    G9    Em7             G9 
Well this futon I crashed on in college, well it aint our bed, but at least it don’t smell like you 
G                  Cadd9                    G9           Em7       G9 
Patron up on the counter well it aint your red and them long stems are long gone too 
G                 Cadd9                         G9 
Put that record on took your pictures off the shelf yeah cause every little bit helps 

G Cadd9 G9 Might not get me all the way over you but every little bit gets me a little bit closer to G Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9 Walking right out of your valley of the shadow of death step by step we’re getting G Cadd9 G9 Out from under that spell you put on me I know you just left and I know I might only be G Cadd9 G9 G Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9 One night into your goodbye gone kinda hell aww but every little bit helps
Verse: G Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9 Its Friday, might only spin my tires to the other side of town but at least I’m out of this house G Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9 This dives tired of playing man it aint my sound But at least they’re playing it loud G Cadd9 G9 Two beers in but ill be long gone by twelve yeah cause every little bit helps
G Cadd9 G9 Might not get me all the way over you but every little bit gets me a little bit closer to G Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9 Walking right out of your valley of the shadow of death step by step we’re getting G Cadd9 G9 Out from under that spell you put on me I know you just left and I know I might only be G Cadd9 G9 One night into your goodbye gone kinda hell aww but every little bit helps
Bridge Em7 G9 G Cadd9 This bar, that drink, that girl that wink, it aint much but I think that every little bit helps
G Cadd9 G9 Might not get me all the way over you but every little bit gets me a little bit closer to G Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9 Walking right out of your valley of the shadow of death step by step we’re getting G Cadd9 G9 Out from under that spell you put on me I know you just left and I know I might only be G Cadd9 G9 One night into your goodbye gone kinda hell aww but every little bit helps
Outro: G Cadd9 G9 Em7 G9

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