Lost Noise

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War In My Veins Acordes

Lost Noise



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War In My Veins

	  B, D, Am, F#m, Em, Am 


My life is a war that can never be won 
it's in my veins and it's in my blood 
The time is here the time is right 
the time has come to start a fight 

My life is a war my blood my life 
it's me who should choose  
whats wrong and whats right 
The time is here the time is right 
the time has come to start a fight 

It's my life get out of my way 
don't worry now im here to stay 
its a war it's just begun 
everything has come undone 

My life is a war that can never be won 
it's in my veins and it's in my blood 
The time is here the time is right 
the time has come to start a fight 

My life is a war my blood my life 
it's me who should choose  
whats wrong and whats right 
The time is here the time is right 
the time has come to start a fight 

It's my life get out of my way 
don't worry now im here to stay 
its a war it's just begun 
everything has come undone 

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