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White, Discussion Acordes


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White, Discussion

(Patrick Dahlheimer/Chad Gracey/Ed Kowalczyk/Chad Taylor)

E  D  C#  C  D  (5ths) 
I talk of freedom 
You talk of the flag 
I talk of revolution 
You'd much rather brag 
And as the decibels of this disenchanting 
Discourse continue to damnpen the day 
The coin flips again and again and again 
And again as our sanity walks away 
All this discussion though politically correct 
Is dead beyond destruction 
Though it leaves me quite erect 
And as the final sunset rolls behind the Earth 
And the clock is finally dead 
I'll look at you, you'll look at me 
And we'll cry alot, but this will be what we said 
This will be what we said 
E                                  C      A 
Look where all this talking got us baby... 
Contribuição: Vitor Schlittler Abreu([email protected]) 

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