Linkin Park

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Waiting For The End (ver. 2) Acordes

Linkin Park



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Waiting For The End (ver. 2)

(Leon Jhony)


This is not the end 
This is not the beginning 
Just a voice like a riot 
Rocking every revision 
But you listen to the tone 
And the violent rhythm 
Even though the words sound steady 
Something empty's within em 
We say yeah 

With fists flying up in the air 
Like we're holding onto somenthing 
That's invisible there 
Cause we're living at the mercy 
Of the pain and the fear 
Until we dead it 
Forget it 
Let it all disappear 

Waiting for the end to come 
Wishing I had strength to stand 
This is not what I had planned 
                     G    D 
It's out of my control 
Flying at the speed of light 
Thoughts were spinning in my head 
So many things were left unsaid 
                      G D 
It's hard to let you go 
I know what it takes to move on 
I know how it feels to lie 
All I wanna do 
Is trade this life for something new 
Holding on to what I haven't got 

Sitting in an empty room 
Trying to forget the past 
This was never meant to last 
I wish it wasn't so 

I know what it takes to move on 
I know how it feels to lie 
All I wanna do 
Is trade this life for something new 
Holding on to what I haven't got 

What was left 
When that fire was gone 
I throught it felt right 
But that right was wrong 
All caught up in the eye of the storm 
And trying to figure out 
What it's like moving on 
And I don't even know 
What kind of things I said 
My mouth kept moving 
And my mind went dead 
Picking up the pieces 
Nowhere to begin 
The hardest part of ending 
Is starting again 

All I wanna do 
Is trade this life for something new 
Holding on to what I haven't got 

This is not the end 
This is not the beginning 
Just a voice like a riot 
Rocking every revision 
But you listen to the tone 
And the violent rhythm 
Even though the words sound steady 
Something emptys within them 

We say yeah 

With fists flying up in the air 
Like we're holding onto something 
That's invisible there 
Cause we're living at the mercy 
Of the pain and the fear 
Until we dead it 
Forget it 
Let it all disappear

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