Kate Bush

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The Big Sky Acordes

Kate Bush



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The Big Sky

(Kate Bush)

Tono:  Bb Más
The Big Sky Key FF
The Big Sky Key F#F#
The Big Sky Key GG
The Big Sky Key G#G#(Disminuir uno tono)
The Big Sky Key AA(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
The Big Sky Key BbBb(tono original)
The Big Sky Key BB(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
The Big Sky Key CC(Aumentar uno tono)
The Big Sky Key C#C#
The Big Sky Key DD
The Big Sky Key D#D#
The Big Sky Key EE
Capo en el 3er traste


They look down 
At the ground 
 Bm7    Em7 
       D       C    Bm7 
But I never go in, no 

D I'm looking at the big sky C I'm looking at the big sky now D I'm looking at the big sky C You never understood me D You never really tried C That cloud, that cloud D C It looks like Ireland D C C'mon and blow it a kiss now But quick!
D 'Cause it's changing in the big sky C It's changing in the big sky now D We're looking at the big sky C You never understood me D You never really tried C This cloud, this cloud D Says "Noah C D Come on, build me an A__Ark C/D And if you're coming, jump
( D C/D ) D C/D 'Cause we're leaving with the big sky D We're leaving with the big sky, yeah honey C/D We're leaving with the big sky D C/D We're looking at the, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah D C/D We're looking at the, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah D And we pause for the jets D Hup! Hup!
C Hup! In the big sky! D We're looking at the big sky, honey C You want my reply? D What was the question? C I was looking at the big sky D Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah C Hup! Hup! Big sky, yeah D Looking at the big sky C We're looking at the, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Tell me, sisters! Outro D Rolling over like a great big cloud C/D Walking out in the big sky D Rolling over like a great big cloud C/D Walking out in the big sky D Rolling over like a great big cloud C/D Walking out in the big sky D Rolling over like a great big cloud C/D Walking out in the big sky D Rolling over like a great big cloud C/D Walking out in the big sky

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