John Lion

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Number 2 Acordes

John Lion



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Number 2

Tono:  F# Más
Number 2 Key C#C#
Number 2 Key DD
Number 2 Key D#D#
Number 2 Key EE(Disminuir uno tono)
Number 2 Key FF(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Number 2 Key F#F#(tono original)
Number 2 Key GG(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Number 2 Key G#G#(Aumentar uno tono)
Number 2 Key AA
Number 2 Key A#A#
Number 2 Key BB
Number 2 Key CC

F# A B 
      If I cannot promise you 
F# A B 
      Anything more than number two 
F# A B 
      If I told you there is someone 
B        E                        D     C#       B 
Who I always choose over you, she my number one 
F# A      B 
If I told you What would you say what would you do? 
F# A B 
     Would you go find someone too 
F# A B 
     Would I still be your number one? 
    E         G                A 
If you and me is equal two plus one 
B Don give up don give up don give up on me babe E G A Fell in love with me just drove you rightly insane B Don give up don give up don give up on me babe E G A No one would ever keep on playing this game
F# A B There is nothing you can do F# A B You nothing else but number two F# A B Why is she my number one E G A If I gave you a reason you would come undone F# A B I would get it if you don want to be number two F# A B This situation not for you F# A B Truth is I love my number one E G A But you the one I want to give me some fun
B Don give up don give up don give up on me babe E G A Fell in love with me just drove you rightly insane B Don give up don give up don give up on me babe E G A No one would ever keep on playing this game
F# A B Would you rather like to know F# A B Who is she? where I go? F# A B If I laid it on the line E G A Before you hear it all through the grapevine F# A B Who do I even try to fool? F# A B I never ever been faithful F# A B When I not in your bed E G A You know I am in someone else instead
B Don give up don give up don give up on me babe E G A Fell in love with me just drove you rightly insane B Don give up don give up don give up on me babe E G A No one would ever keep on playing this game

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Aumentar uno tonoAumentar uno tono
Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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