Jimmy Eat World

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Firefight (acoustic) Acordes

Jimmy Eat World



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Firefight (acoustic)

(Jim Adkins/Rick Burch/Zach Lind/Tom Linton)



   F                              C 
 This is where our diligence has lead 
     Dm                 Bb                F 
 The waves roll in to claim our patient steps 
 Can we become more than just ourselves? 
      Dm                 Bb                   F 
 And leave the sand, our want, our will, our doubt 

Dm Bb F It's firefight, I won't run. Dm Bb F They're spitting spite all through my blood Dm Bb F For you and me, there's nowhere left to hide Bb G F except you and me, there's no one else alive
Verse: F C This is now the moment after next. Dm Bb F Are these still the eyes of a temptress? C Why open the door if you won't go? Dm Bb F Don't ask twice if you don't wanna know.
Dm Bb F It's firefight, I won't run. Dm Bb F They're spitting spite all through my blood Dm Bb F For you and me, there's nowhere left to hide Bb G F except you and me, there's no one else alive
Bridge: Dm Is there an answer? Bb F If it's an honest one, honestly worth its question C There's no question Dm The city as my witness Bb F I am who I wanna be, but you could be anything C Just be anything here with me. Verse: F C endless quotes and with the secondhand Dm Bb F If you let go then that's where time will stand.
Dm Bb F It's firefight, I won't run. Dm Bb F They're spitting spite all through my blood Dm Bb F For you and me, there's nowhere left to hide Bb G F except you and me, there's no one else alive Dm Bb F It's firefight, I won't run. Dm Bb F They're spitting spite all through my blood Dm Bb F For you and me, there's nowhere left to hide Bb G F except you and me, there's no one else alive

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