Jann Arden

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Four Feet Deep Acordes

Jann Arden



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Four Feet Deep

(Emm Gryner/Jann Arden Richards)

G   F   C   G 
G   F   C   G 

C      G       C       Em 
Winter falling down on me 
C    G          C   D 
Icy, snow-blind misery 
C        G        C        Em 
Crashing engines, flashing lights 
C              G          C         D 
Blood-stained, shirtless, love-shot eyes 

G F If only the sun could break through the grey C G If we could undo what's been done F If only the night could turn into day C G And find us some way in love F C G Love________
C G C Em Tracing angels, half asleep C G C D Counting heartbeats four feet deep C G C Em Distant sirens drawing near C G C D Will they find me lying here?
G F If only the sun could break through the grey C G If we could undo what's been done F If only the night could turn into day C G And find us some way in love F C G Love________
Em C G D Frozen, broken-hearted me Em C G D Haunted, wanted memories Em C G D All of them gone, now I'm on my own Em C G D All of them pass, miles and miles from home Instrumental G F C G F C G Love________
F If only the sun could break through the grey C G If we could undo what's been done F If only the night could turn into day C G And find us some way in love G F If only the sun could break through the grey C G If we could undo what's been done F If only the night could turn into day C G And find us some way in love F C G Love________ F C G Love________

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