James Bourne

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Sleeping With The Lights On Acordes

James Bourne



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Sleeping With The Lights On

Intro: G C G C

Verse 1 

G                       C 
Along she came, with her picture 
        G               C9 
put it in a frame, so i wont miss her. 
        Em7                 D 
Got on a plane from london heathrow 
             C              C 
it seems such a shame, yeah 

C G Bm7 I feel her slipping through my fingers C D now shes gone, i'm sleeping with the light on G Bm7 C and shocks went through my veins, now that shes gone Cm i'm sleeping with the light on
Verse 2 Cm G C Heard she's engaged, spoke to her best friend G C9 no one's to blame, here's where it all ends. Em7 D And i feel the pain 'cause i'm without her C i feel the pain Yeah
C G Bm7 I feel her slipping through my fingers C D now shes gone, i'm sleeping with the light on G Bm7 C and shocks went through my veins, now that shes gone D# i'm sleeping with the light on
Em7 C I see the sight with a diff'rent light G D words cannot describe the way i'm feeling C cause i've been searching in my head G/B for the words i thought she said Am7 for too long.
D G Bm7 I feel her slipping through my fingers C D now shes gone, i'm sleeping with the light on G Bm7 C and shocks went through my veins, now that shes gone Cm i'm sleeping with the light on
Solo: Cm G Bm7 C D G Bm7 C Cm
Cm G Bm7 I feel her slipping through my fingers C D now shes gone, i'm sleeping with the light on G Bm7 C and shocks went through my veins, now that shes gone Cm i'm sleeping with the light on Cm G Bm7 I feel her slipping through my fingers C D now shes gone, i'm sleeping with the light on G Bm7 C and shocks went through my veins, now that shes gone Cm i'm sleeping with the light on

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