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Lack Of Love Acordes




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Lack Of Love

(The Firehouse Crew)

Tono:  G#m Más
Lack Of Love Key D#mD#m
Lack Of Love Key EmEm
Lack Of Love Key FmFm
Lack Of Love Key F#mF#m(Disminuir uno tono)
Lack Of Love Key GmGm(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Lack Of Love Key G#mG#m(tono original)
Lack Of Love Key AmAm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Lack Of Love Key A#mA#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Lack Of Love Key BmBm
Lack Of Love Key CmCm
Lack Of Love Key C#mC#m
Lack Of Love Key DmDm
	  G#m (8x) C#m (2x) D#m (2x) G#m (4x) 
(the whole song!) 

More love, need some more love, more love, need some more love 
The evil need some more love 
More love 

Love is the foundation no segregation, 
One Love to de nation. 

There is a lack of love ina we society 
kindness it seems dat a no priority 
C#m           D#m 
but never let it go 
strength to your weakness find some forgiveness 
there is a lack of hope ina we community 
manfusion a run the vicinity 
you got to let it go 
strength for you weakness find some forgiveness 

G#m (8x) C#m (2x) D#m (2x) G#m (4x) 

So Love, 
because we only know love 
all we need is more love, we gotta 
Show Love 
because we only know love 
give the children more love 

G#m (8x) C#m (2x) D#m (2x) G#m (4x) 

from the powers that be we demanded 
justice and equality like jah command it 
four corners of the earth man a chant it 
lots of love seed come make we plant it 

So why are you fighting thats war 
why cant we be living up? 
…in senseless killing 

G#m (8x) C#m (2x) D#m (2x) G#m (4x) 

Me said that? of the children 
we told the future 
right on the violence we killing out the youths ya 
let the joy in your heart bind the times 
respect the each others?- would you give a different sign -? 
Inserting your power on the people, 
why dont you raise up the morals of our people? 
Like we all say its good over evil? 

the greates gift is life eternally 
and what you sow is you reap abundantly 
it's your deeds in life deminds your identity 
and identity determines who you got to be 

So Love, 
because we only know love 
all we need is more love, we gotta 
show Love 
because we only know love 
give the children more love 

G#m (8x) C#m (2x) D#m (2x) G#m (4x) 

if we could recognize hypocrisy 
and the way how it affects our destiny 
misguided by ficticious tales of history 
why you breakin down the branches of the wisdom tree 
(So Love) 

There is a lack of love ina we society. 
kindness it seems dat a no priority, 
but never let it go... 

G#m (8x) C#m (2x) D#m (2x) G#m (4x) 

More love, need some more love, more love, need some more love 
The evil need some more love 
More love 

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