Gene Clark

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Past My Door Acordes

Gene Clark



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Past My Door

(Gene Clark)

	  D                          A 
You say it's all your imagination 
C             G             A                D 
Should I just stand here or bury myself in your floor? 
You say, don't add to my frustration 
        C        G       A           D 
Well, I didn't intend to linger at your door 

D                           C 
Blackboard explanations and trial examinations 
    G                            D 
And temperature relations on the moon 
The streetcar of invention, an afternoon of slight intention 
    G                                     D 
The effects of some strong lesson learned too soon 

G                                    D 
"Too late", cries a melting, lonely snowman 
G                                    D  
"Forget", reminds a blackbird taking wing 
Bm                                A 
"Tomorrow", whisper voices in the darkness 
        G                               D 
But the days go slowly moulding past my door 

C      G         Am 
Took a walk with you 
    C           G           Am 
The clouds were blue on the bottom 
                 G     F 
And white on the top 
C        G             Am 
Saw that one day could show 
  C         G       Am 
I wish that I would never 
         G     F   C 
Have to stop 

( D ) 

D                             C 
Up the walk cry vendors, Mrs. Black never remembers 
G                                      D 
Finally she goes screaming through the night 
Apartment house conceptions, a girl who paints deception 
         G                               D 
With the blurred out recollection of the light 

G                                D 
"Stop her", slurs a constable in denims 
     G                                D 
What dare relates the viewer from the blind 
    Bm                            A 
"Whenever", says the upstairs Angelina 
        G                               D 
But the days go slowly moulding past my door 

D                      A 
You say it's only imagination 
C             G            A               D 
Should I just stand here or bury myself in your floor? 
You say, don't add to my frustration 
      C        G       A           D 
But I didn't intend to linger at your door 

( D  C  G  A ) 

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