Friend Hell

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Skipper Acordes

Friend Hell



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Tono:  E Más
Skipper Key BB
Skipper Key CC
Skipper Key C#C#
Skipper Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
Skipper Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Skipper Key EE(tono original)
Skipper Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Skipper Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
Skipper Key GG
Skipper Key G#G#
Skipper Key AA
Skipper Key A#A#
E F#m A 
E F#m A 

        E                       F#m                 A         E 
What it means to be human is to make a whole lot of mistakes 
        E                       F#m                             A         E 
It's not getting over bad habits, it's obessessing over what you hate 
        F#m                          A                E            F#m 
What it means to be a person is imperfection, and to change 
     E                               F#m                                A           E 
In a way that you are used to, but a way that those who know you kind of hate 

E F#m A E Oh, what it means to be you and me E F#m B A Kicking in the air, and living life so violently E F#m A E Oh, what it means to be you and me A E Let's hold hands and exchange electricity
Interlude: E F#m A E F#m A E F#m A E What it means to be realistic is eventually you'll take back what you say E F#m A E What it means to be a person is not being brave enough for today F#m A E F#m The definition of humanity is fighting 'cause you're scared, or just to fight! E F#m A E You've been fighting some insanity. I forgive you for that one time
E F#m A E Oh, what it means to be you and me E F#m B A Kicking in the air, and living life so violently E F#m A E Oh, what it means to be you and me A E Let's hold hands and exchange electricity
Outro: A E Let's hold hands and exchange electricity A E Let's hold hands and exchange electricity

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Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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