Friend Hell

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Friend Hell



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G C G C G C D 
G C G C G C D D7 

G              D             G 
We want you to work till you die 
C           D                   G 
Isolate and make friends at the same time 
G              D                G          Am 
Never let your sadness hold you back's not motivation 
C       D                    G 
It sets standards, sets them high 

Am D G C I grow from the people that I meet Am D G D Not trying to impress authority Am D G C I grow from the people that I meet Am D G I've been thrown into machine after machine
G C G C G C D G C G C G C D D7 Am D G And you'll tell me I didn't even try Am D G And you'll keep asking, keep asking me why D C G C As simple as I can put it, I'll tell you why Am D G Refer to the Chorus above and below this line
Am D G C I grow from the people that I meet Am D G D Not trying to impress authority Am D G C I grow from the people that I meet Am D G I've been thrown into machine after machine
Outro: Am D G C I grow from the people that I meet Am D G D Not trying to impress authority Am D G C I grow from the people that I meet Am D G I've been thrown into machine after machine

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