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The Fear Of Being Alone Acordes




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The Fear Of Being Alone

	  Intro C#m  A  C#m  A     
        C#m  A  C#m  A      

    I hear you thinking baby 
    That your love can't be borrowed 
    Another desperate night at home 
    And now the end of the evening 
    Has brought on a wonder of feelings 
    Tonight the love you need seems so colder 

C#m                B            A            B 
    (I've been thinking of your times of trouble) 

C#m       G#m                  A 
    But I believe they won't be there for long… Cause 
C#m I can make your dreams come true tonight A I don't know why you deny it C#m A You can stay with me or end up crying G#m C#m From being alone A7 A The fear of being alone yeah
C#m I Lay here watching the clock tick A Your voice rings in my ears C#m A The way you love is so unclear C#m B A B All you gotta to do is say that you want me C#m G#m A If it takes to feel that way once more cause
C#m I can make your dreams come true tonight A I don't know why you deny it C#m A You can stay with me or end up crying G#m Alone
A I don't think that I should really believe it C#m (But this is something that we both to believe in.) A F#m I know you want me when you call me on the phone B I know you want me cause you hate to be alone. Yeah Solo A E C#m B A E C#m B A E C#m B A7 G#m
C#m I can make your dreams come true tonight A I don't know why you deny it C#m A You can stay with me or end up crying G#m Alone C#m I can make your dreams come true tonight A I don't know why I don't know why you deny it C#m A You can stay with me or end up crying G#m C#m From being alone A7 A The fear of being alone.... yeah
Final C#m A C#m A C#m B A C#m A C#m A C#m

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