Dionne Warwick

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How Insensitive Acordes

Dionne Warwick



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How Insensitive

(Vinicius de Moraes and Antonio Carlos Jobim English lyrics by Norman Gimbel)

	  Introd.: Em7 Edim Bm D7 C#7 F#7 C#m7(5-) F#7 Bm F#7/13- 

Bm7             Edim                      Am6 
How insensitive I must have seemed 
              Cdim  Gdim Cdim      E9   E7 
When she  told    me  that she loved me 
Em  Em9     Em  Em9  C7M             C#m5-/7 
How unmoved and cold I must have seemed 
                F#7                     Bm 
When she told me so sincerely 
D7   Am7  D7  Am7  Fdim   D7 Am7 D7  G7M 
Why, she must have asked, did I just turn 
    Em7        Edim   Bm 
And stare in icy silence 
D7                  C#7                         F#7 
What was I to say, what can you say 
          C#m5-/7  F#7     Bm 
When a  love affair is over 
Bm7                   Edim              Am6 
Now she's gone away and I'm alone 
        Cdim  Gdim Cdim  E9     E7 
With the  memory of her last look 
Em    Em9  Em   Em9 C7M       C#m7(5-)
Vague and drawn and sad, I see it still 
                        F#7                 Bm 
All her heartbreak in that last look 
D7 Am7 D7 Am7 Fdim   D7 Am7 D7  G7M 
How, she must have asked, did I just turn 
    Em7        Edim    Bm 
And stare in icy silence 
D7                   C#7                          F#7 
What was I to say, what can you say 
       C#m5-/7    F#7     Bm 
When a  love affair is over 

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