Dianne Reeves

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Just My Imagination Acordes

Dianne Reeves



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Just My Imagination

( Barret Strong and Norman Jesse Whitfield)

Introdução: C7M Dm7 C7M Dm7 

C7M  Dm7    C7M    Dm7 
Ooo ooo ooooo,  ooooooo  
         C7M                                   Dm7                           C7M Dm7 
Each day through my window I watch up as she passes by  
                  C7M          Dm7             C7M Dm7 
I say to myself, you're such a lucky guy  
C7M                      Dm7             C7M           Dm7 
To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true           
             C7M                      Dm7                   C7M  Dm7 
Out of all the fell as in the world, she belongs to you  
                 C7M                       Dm7  C7M                         Dm7 
But it was just my 'magination        runnin' away with me  
             C7M                     Dm7             C7M                Dm7 
It was just my 'magination          runnin' away with me  
          C7M             Dm7               C7M              Dm7 
Soon we'll be married and raise a family, oh yeah 
       C7M                                Dm7                                                 C7M Dm7 
And cozy little home out in the country, with two children, maybe three  
                C7M  Dm7                        C7M  Dm7 
I tell you, I                  can visualize it all baby 
          C7M                Dm7                                       C7M   Dm7 
This couldn't be a dream I tell you how real it all seems o,o,o,o 
                 C7M                       Dm7  C7M                         Dm7 
But it was just my 'magination        runnin' away with me  
             C7M                     Dm7              C7M               Dm7 
It was just my 'magination          runnin' away with me  
Every night, on my knees, I pray dear Lord, hear my plea 
Don't ever let another take her love from me or I would surely die  
Her love is heavenly when her arms enfold me I feel a tender love so deep 
But in reality, she doesn't even know me 
C7M                       Dm7  C7M                         Dm7 
Just my 'magination        runnin' away with me  
C7M                        Dm7  C7M                     Dm7 
Just my 'magination          runnin' away with me  
C7M                       Dm7  C7M                         Dm7 
Just my 'magination        runnin' away with me  
C7M                        Dm7  C7M                     Dm7 
Just my 'magination          runnin' away with me 

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