Diane Taraz

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An American Frigate Acordes

Diane Taraz



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An American Frigate

(Traditional / Diane Taraz)


   A                     E           A 
An American frigate the "Richard" by name 
         D                                  A 
Mounting guns forty-four, from New York she came. 
       D                                      A 
For to cruise in the channel of old England's fame 
                             E             A 
With a noble commander, Paul Jones was his name. 

   E                            A 
Hurrah! Our country forever, hurrah! 

   A                         E            A 
We had not sailed far before two sails we spied 
  D                                 A 
A stout forty-four and a twenty likewise, 
    D                                   A 
And forty bold shippin', all laden with store, 
                               E             A 
As the convoy stood in for the old Yorkshire shore. 

   E                            A 
Hurrah! Our country forever, hurrah! 

    A                           E          A 
Our brave Captain Jones, to his men he did say: 
     D                              A 
"Let ev'ryman fight a good battle today. 
      D                                          A 
We'll take that bold convoy in the height of her pride, 
                                    E           A 
'Fore the Richard shall founder and sink in the tide." 

   E                            A 
Hurrah! Our country forever, hurrah! 

    A                      E            A 
The battle rolled on until bold Pearson cried: 
      D                                        A 
"Have you struck your colors?  Then come along side." 
    D                                   A 
But so far from thinkin' the battle was won, 
                                  E         A 
John-Paul Jones replied:  "I have not yet begun" 

   E                            A 
Hurrah! Our country forever, hurrah! 

   A                              E          A 
We fought them four glasses, four glasses so hot, 
     D                                  A 
Till fifty bold sailors lay dead on the spot, 
    D                                        A 
And fifty-five others lay stretched in their gore, 
                                  E            A 
While the thundering cannons most fiercely did roar. 

   E                            A 
Hurrah! Our country forever, hurrah! 

    A                          E           A 
The Alliance bore down and the Richard did rake, 
      D                                       A 
Which caused the bold hearts of our seamen to ache; 
        D                                          A 
But our shot flew so hot, that they couldn't stand long, 
                                   E       A 
And the brave British colours came finally down. 

   E                            A 
Hurrah! Our country forever, hurrah! 

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