Damien Jurado

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Rachel And Cali Acordes

Damien Jurado



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Rachel And Cali

Bm7                  A6       Em                   Em7 
Rachel would it be alright if I stayed here in the car 
Bm7              A6         Em      Em7 
There's too many people out there I don't know 
Bm7                 A6     Em          Em7 
It's not that I'm too shy I cannot be polite 
Bm7              A6           Em          Em7 
I just dont feel confident in crowds 

Bm7                       A6        Em               Em7 
Cali you can do what youd like I'll probably be here awhile 
Bm7               A6          Em       Em7 
I'll leave you my car keys in case you want to leave 

Bm7                    A6             Em                   Em7 
You're welcome to stay at my house my parents will both be out 
Bm7                      A6        Em            Em7 
There's a blanket in the closet if you decide to sleep over 

Bm7                  A6     Em            Em7 
Rachel I am sorry to call I cant sleep at all 
Bm7           A6       Em                      Em7 
The closets unfamiliar your parents soon to be home 
Bm7                        A6      Em                Em7 
Cali theres a way youll be calm my closet door has a lock 
Bm7                A6                  Em       Em7 
I'll Keep my window open so you can get in 

Bm7                  A6   Em                    Em7 
Sometimes I wish you knew how I keep living for you 
Bm7                A6             Em              Em7 
A friend is only a love youre not committed to 

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