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The Rhythm Of The Night Acordes




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The Rhythm Of The Night

(Francesco Bontempi/Pete Glenister/Annerley Gordon)

This is the rhythm of the night 
    Cm          Bb 
The night, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of the night 
This is the rhythm of my life 
    Cm        Bb 
My life, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of my life... 

Solo: A#sus4, G#, Cm 

You could put some joy upon my face 
Oh, sunshine in an empty place 

Take me to turn to 
And, babe, I'll make you stay 

Oh,  I can ease you of your pain 
Feel you give me love again 

Round and round we go 
Each time I hear you say 

This is the rhythm of the night 
    Cm          Bb 
The night, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of the night 
This is the rhythm of my life 
   Cm         Bb 
My life, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of my life 

Cm, Bm, Bb, Bm, Cm (4x) 

Won't you teach me how to love learn 
There'll be nothing left for me to yearn 
Think of me burn 
And let me hold your hand 

I don't wanna face the world in tears 
Please, think again, I'm on my knees 
Sing that song to me 
No reason to repent 

I know you wanna say it 

This is the rhythm of the night 
The night, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of the night 

This is the rhythm of my life 
My life, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of my life 

This is the rhythm of the night 
The night, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of the night 

This is the rhythm of my life 
My life, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of my life 

This is the rhythm of the night 
This is the rhythm of the night 
Rhythm of the night 
This is the rhythm of the night 

This is the rhythm of the night 
The night, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of the night 

This is the rhythm of my life 
My life, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of my life 

This is the rhythm of the night 
The night, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of the night 

This is the rhythm of my life 
My life, oh, yeah 
The rhythm of my life 

This is the rhythm of the night 

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