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Shes Got All The Friends Acordes




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Shes Got All The Friends



A   F#m     D E 
Ooh ah, ooh ah,  
A   F#m     D E 
ooh ah, ooh ah... 


A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 
A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 


A                      F#m 
The family money has a magnetic pull (Yeah, yeah, yeah) 
D                          E 
Her social diary is always full 
C#m          F#m       Bm           E 
And both her faces--so easy on the eye 
C#m                F#m        Bm          E 
And everyone worth knowing is kissing her behind 


A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 
A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 


A                 F#m 
Style has a price without much change (Yeah, yeah, yeah) 
D                            E 
If you have to ask then it's out of your range 
C#m          F#m       Bm          E 
And both her faces--so easy on the eye 
C#m          F#m              Bm          E 
And everyone worth knowing is kissing her behind 


A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 
A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 


A   F#m     D  E 
Ooh ah, ooh ah,  
A   F#m     D  E 
ooh ah, ooh ah... 
A           F#m   D    E          A      F#m  D E 
Versace and Prada mean nothing to me, to me... 
              A        F#m          D    E            A 
Well, you can buy your friends, but I'll hate you for free 
E            A 
Hate you for free... 


A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 
A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 
A                              F#m 
She's got all the friends that money can buy 
          D                    E 
She's the apple of her daddy's eye 

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