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Hope This Song Is For You Acordes




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Hope This Song Is For You


F#                   D#m7 
   Just like an ocean has its waves 
F#                       D#m7 
   I've done things I just can't change 
F#                        D#m7 
   And just like clouds are full of rain 
F#                   D#m7 
   I carry with me all this extra weight 
I've got to let it drain 

        C#       F# 
If you have nothing to die for 
G#m           C#    F# 
    What are you even alive for? 
Yeah, there's birds in the trees 
And they're singing for me 
When the night falls 
That the sunrise won't be 
 C#           F# 
Nothing like yesterday 

B C# F# And you can call me fool B C# F# But I hope this song is for you B C# If it's not quite enough F# C#/F D#m C# B I'll find another line or two C# If I just had someonе F# To sing it to
F# D#m7 I keep a voice inside my head F# D#m7 Rеminding me how much I regret F# D#m7 And just like a thunder has its strike F# D#m7 Every time I'm clean, I go and fuck it up G#m It's a habit of mine C# F# If you have nothing to die for G#m C# F# What are you even alive for? G#m7 Yeah, there's birds in the trees C# And they're singing for me F# When the night falls G#m7 That the sunrise won't be C# F# Nothing like yesterday
B C# F# And you can call me fool B C# F# But I hope this song is for you B C# If it's not quite enough F# C#/F D#m C# B I'll find another line or two C# If I just had someonе F# To sing it to

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