By The Coast

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I'll Get You Home Acordes

By The Coast



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I'll Get You Home

I'll get you home 
When you are tired 
Stand next to you 
Eb                      Bb5 
When you're in the fire 
               Eb  Ab5 
I'll get you home 

( Ab  Eb  Ab ) 

Eb              Ab 
I'll tell the truth 
 Eb             Ab 
When I'd rather lie 
Eb             Ab 
I'd rather be known 
      Cm        Ab 
Than keep it inside 

I'll get you home 
       Cm         Eb 
Never leave you alone 
Ab          Bb       Eb Ab 
And I will get you home 

( Ab  Eb  Ab ) 

Eb            Ab 
If I could before 
Eb               Ab 
The sorrows we'd see 
Eb             Ab 
I'd love you again 
     Cm        Ab 
I'd feel everything 

Eb             Gm 
I'll get you home 
        Cm        Bb 
Never leave you alone 
    Ab      Bb5 
And I will get you 

Ab        Bb    G 
You will see a light 
If you get too far 
Ab      Bb          Cm     Ab 
If you get too far from home 

Ab        Bb     Gm 
You will see a light 
If you get too far 
Ab      Bb          Cm7    Ab 
If you get too far from home 

Cm    Ab 
From home 

Eb            Ab 
I'll get you home 
Eb            Ab 
When you are tired 

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