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Good Things Acordes




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Good Things

Tono:  E Más
Good Things Key BB
Good Things Key CC
Good Things Key C#C#
Good Things Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
Good Things Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key EE(tono original)
Good Things Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
Good Things Key GG
Good Things Key G#G#
Good Things Key AA
Good Things Key A#A#

E             A              B 
Sunlight fall down on the fields 

E             A         B 
Sunlight fall down over me 

E             A           B     E     A    B 
Work all day, be all that I can be  yeah-heh 

E             A           B 
Say I can say words only simple 

E             A           B 
Say I can say words only clear 

E             A           B     E                 A    B 
But, oh, I can feel your heart is beating near.  Yeah-heh 


   B         Cm                   A                  E 
Haunted love is all that I feel, when you're passing by 

   B         Cm                   A                  B 
Haunted love is all that I see, it's there in your eyes 

And I say 
(No Chord) 

E A B E A B No, no, no, don't pass me over No, no, no, don't pass me by E A B E See I can see good things for you and I E A B E Yeah, good things for you E A B Give I can give love and attention E A B Give I can give all time away E A B E Only to one heart I can give today. E A B Be I can be man full of color E A B Be I can be man black or white E A B E But only to one heart I can be tonight
BRIDGE: B Cm A E Haunted love is all that I feel, when you're passing by B Cm A B Haunted love is all that I see, it's there in your eyes And I say
E A B E A B No, no, no, don't pass me over No, no, no, don't pass me by E A B E See I can see good things for you and I E A B E Yeah, good things for you
SOLO B Cm A B Haunted love is all that I feel, when you're passing by And I say
E A B E A B No, no, no, don't pass me over No, no, no, don't pass me by E A B E See I can see good things for you and I E A B E Yeah, good things for you

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