Bleeding Knees Club

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Hate Me Acordes

Bleeding Knees Club



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Hate Me

Tono:  D Más
Hate Me Key AA
Hate Me Key A#A#
Hate Me Key BB
Hate Me Key CC(Disminuir uno tono)
Hate Me Key C#C#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Hate Me Key DD(tono original)
Hate Me Key D#D#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Hate Me Key EE(Aumentar uno tono)
Hate Me Key FF
Hate Me Key F#F#
Hate Me Key GG
Hate Me Key G#G#
	  all the chords played as Barre chords on the E string 
the verse chord structure is like this: 
D D A G 
D D A G 
D D A A 
G G G G 

D              A   G 
why can't you hate me 
you can't escape me 
D           A           G 
your dirty hands on my mind 

you're holding on tight 
it just doesn't feel right 
i can't even open my eyes 

     G           A          D 
but this is the time of the night 
where nothing can go quite right 
im blinded and out of my mind 
just casually wasting our time 

why can't i hate you 
my hands can't escape you 
I'm holding on by a thread 

we stay out too late 
i still can't see straight 
somethings messed with my head 

but this is the time of the night 
where nothing can go quite right 
im blinded and out of my mind 
just casually wasting our time 

The bridge is played as single stabs of the chords 

Bm  Bm    Bm   A    A  A  G 
why can't you leave me a-lone 
Bm   Bm  Bm    D   D   D   G 
call my phone and I'm not home 
Bm  Bm    Bm   A    A  A  G 
why can't you just stay away 
    A  G 
I'm ok-ay 
    A  G 
I'm ok-ay 
    A  A  G  G 
I'm ok------ay  

but this is the time of the night 
where nothing can go quite right 
im blinded and out of my mind        x2 
just casually wasting our time 

No existe una video leccione para esta canción

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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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