Bill Carroll

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I Can't Love You Anymore Acordes

Bill Carroll



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I Can't Love You Anymore

A   D 

I think i've made an error 
My choice once more was wrong 
    A                               D 
You told me that your only love was me 

The times we had together 
Were fun right all along 
    A                                D 
But there's no way our love can ever be 

G D You say you love me only and that your love is mine E A But watching you has shown me your love is just part-time D G My mind has reached a verdict, it's just not like before A D I know that i'm not perfect, i can't love you anymore Instrumental D G A D D G A D D A lifetime is a long long time G To live in misery A D I'd rather part this way than lose a friend D Don't try to tell me you're still mine G For it will never be A E Our love affair has finally reached its end
G D You say you love me only and that your love is mine E A But watching you has shown me your love is just part-time D G My mind has reached a verdict, it's just not like before A D A I know that i'm not perfect, i can't love you anymore Outro D I can't love you anymore

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