Big Talk

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Big Talk



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(Ronnie Vannucci)

Tono:  D Más
Replica Key AA
Replica Key A#A#
Replica Key BB
Replica Key CC(Disminuir uno tono)
Replica Key C#C#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Replica Key DD(tono original)
Replica Key D#D#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Replica Key EE(Aumentar uno tono)
Replica Key FF
Replica Key F#F#
Replica Key GG
Replica Key G#G#

Intro:  D  Bm  D  Bm 

Well maybe I will 
Maybe I won`t 
When I`m done with the thrill 
When I finally come home 
D                      A 
But that`s a long way home that is 
         Bm                             G       
When I finally come away from all the sinking ships 
D                 Bm 
I´m tired of trying 

G                      A 
It could take a long time 
Bm                            G 
To forget that color of the water 
Bm                F#m 
Only the deepest blues 
Can get me back to the crux of the matter 

D            A       
She`s a replica 
G           Bm 
An imitation of 
G                                  A 
My conscience and she knows I`m stepping inside of bliss 
D          A 
She`s a replica 
G            Bm 
Another image of 
G                                    A 
No patron saints not one no one to trust outside of this 

Well maybe I will 
Maybe I won`t 
If I`m losing my step 
Will you carry me home 
D                      A 
But that`s a long way home that is 
        Bm                              G 
Can I finally walk away from all the sinking ships 
D             Bm 
Oh baby I`m trying 

G                     A 
It could take a long time 
Bm                            G 
To forget that colour of the water 
Bm               F#m 
Only the deepest blues 
Can get me back to the crux of the matter 

D           A 
She`s a replica 
G            Bm 
An imitation of 
G                                  A 
My conscience and she knows I´m stepping inside of bliss 
D           A 
She`s a replica 
G             Bm 
Another image of 
G                                   A 
No patron saints not one no one to trust outside of this 

But its got blood 

Not your blood 
It`s that blood on your hands 

Well your friends 
Are your friends 

Or your biggest fans 
So pin that letter 

Pin that letter 
Pin that letter to your chest 

I confess 
I confess 

I confess 
Bring it back and cut it loose 
Put it on like all the rest 

You tell them lies 

I`ll tell them truths 

I confess 
I confess 

D          A 
She`s a replica 
G            Bm 
An imitation of 
G                                 Bm 
My conscience and she knows I`m stepping inside of bliss 
D           A 
She`s a replica 
G             Bm 
Another image of 
G                                   Bm 
No patron saints not one no one to trust outside of this 

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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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