Biffy Clyro

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Howl Acordes

Biffy Clyro



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(Gary Lightbody, John Mcdaid, Simon Alexander Neil)

Tono:  C Más
Howl Key GG
Howl Key G#G#
Howl Key AA
Howl Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
Howl Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Howl Key CC(tono original)
Howl Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Howl Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
Howl Key D#D#
Howl Key EE
Howl Key FF
Howl Key F#F#

                      C               Dm                   Bb  
         Lately it's hard to let you know that I'll never learn 
                C              Dm                  Bb  
         I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn 


               C                     Dm           Bb            
         It's time to squirm, I've backed into a wall 
              C                      Dm            Bb  
         My cage has spilled it's contents on the floor 
             C                  Dm               Bb    
         My grave concern's I can't ignore the past 
               C             Dm                Bb  
         I'll look into the future to make it last 


         I'm never gonna sleep again 
         I get to do it all wrong 
         I'm never gonna sleep again, again  

C Dm Bb Cause lately it's hard to let you know that I'll never learn C Dm Bb I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn C Dm Bb So I'm gonna howl like an animal C Cause lately it's hard to let you know...
Verse C Dm Bb There's no return and there's no-one to call C Dm Bb I picked a phone connected to the gods C Dm Bb The stitches burst but don't produce a scar C Dm Bb Why can't I see this time what's done is done? Bridge C I'm never gonna sleep again Dm I get to do it all wrong Bb I'm never gonna sleep again, again
C Dm Bb Cause lately it's hard to let you know that I'll never learn C Dm Bb I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn C Dm Bb So I'm gonna howl like an animal C Dm Bb Cause lately it's hard to let you know...
Outro C Dm Bb So I'm gonna howl like an animal C Dm Cause lately it's hard to let you know... C Dm Bb Lately it's hard to let you know that I'll never learn (I got the rage, I always got the rage) C Dm Bb I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn (I got the rage, I always got the rage) C Dm Bb So I'm gonna howl like an animal C Dm Bb Cause lately it's hard to let you know that I'll never learn

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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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