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Closer To Heaven Acordes

Alan Parsons Project



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Closer To Heaven

(Alan Parsons/Eric Woolfson)

	  The Alan Parsons Project - Closer to Heaven 
Track #3, Gaudi, 1987 

(G)Rising and (F)fall(C)ing (F)lighter than (G)air (G) 
(G)Silently (F)call(C)ing (F)no one is (G)there (G) 
Oh, (C)bird that is (F)fly(Dm)ing so (C)high and so (G)free (G) 
(c)Closer to (F)hea(Dm)ven than (G)you and (C)me (C) 

(G)Voices of (F)stran(C)gers (F)keep me from (G)sleep (G) 
(G)Guardian (F)an(C)gels watch (F)over the (G)deep (G) 
A (C)ship that is (F)sai(Dm)ling way (C)out to the (G)sea (G) 
(c)Closer to (F)hea(Dm)ven than (G)you and (C)me (C) 

(Am)Visions of (Am)rain (Am)fall (Dm)out of blue (Am)skies (Am) 
(Am)Rivers of (G)tears (F)flow (F)out of dry (G)eyes (G) 
(Am)Answer my (Am)ques(Am)tion (Dm)tell me no (Am)lies (Am) 
(Am)Is this the (G)real (F)world or a (F)fool's para(G)dise? (G) 

(G)Wind that is (F)blo(C)wing so (F)wild and so (G)free (G) 
(c)Closer to (F)hea(Dm)ven than (G)you and (C)me (C) 
(C)Closer to (F)hea(Dm7)ven (G)longing to (Am)be (Am) 
(c)Closer to (F)hea(Dm)ven than (G)you and (C)me (C) 

(Am)Visions of (Am)rain (Am)fall (Dm)out of blue (Am)skies (Am) 
(Am)Rivers of (G)tears (F)flow (F)out of dry (G)eyes (G) 
(Am)Answer my (Am)ques(Am)tion (Dm)tell me no (Am)lies (Am) 
(Am)Is this the (G)real (F)world or a (F)fool's para(G)dise? (G) 

(G)Love that lies (F)slee(C)ping (F)wakes in the (G)night (G) 
(G)Secrets for (F)kee(C)ping that (F)won't see the (G)light (G) 
I (C)look to the (F)fu(Dm)ture and I (C)hope it will (G)be (G) 
(c)Closer to (F)hea(Dm)ven than (G)you and (C)me (C) 
(C)Closer to (F)hea(Dm7)ven (G)longing to (Am)be (Am) 
(c)Closer to (F)hea(Dm)ven than (G)you and (C)me (C) 



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