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I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy Ukulele tab




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I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy

Tono:  G

verse 1: 

    G           D7          G    G7 
I dreamed of a city called Glory 
     C     D7     G 
So bright and so fair 
          D          D7           G   G - D/F# - Em 
When I entered that gate I cried holy 
      A7                D   D7 
The angels all met me there 
        G              D7         G     G7 
They carried me from mansion to mansion 
    C        D7      G 
And oh what sites I saw 
       C          G/B  Am   G 
But I said I want  to see Jesus 
                  D7       G  G7 
He's the One who died for all 


         C               G/B  Am 
Then I bowed on my knees and cried 
 G     D7    G   G7 
Holy, holy, holy 
          C             G/B  Am    G 
Then I clapped my hands and sang Glory 
             D7      G 
Glory to the Son of God 

verse 2: 

I thought as I entered that city 
My friends all knew me well 
They showed me the streets of heaven 
Such scenes too numerous to tell 
I saw Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 
Mark, Luke and Timothy 
But I said I want to see Jesus 
He's the One who died for me 

Repeat Chorus 
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