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Sometimes Ukulele tab


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Tono:  C
	  (intro) C Am F G 

C                   Am     F          G 
Sometimes it's alright to just be alone 
C                   Am     F          G 
Sometimes it's alright to just stay at home 
C                   Am     F          G 
Sometimes it's ok if we lose our minds 
C                   Am               F  G 
Sometimes it's the only way out of a fight 

            C                       Am 
Maybe we'll fall before we take flight 
              F                 G 
Maybe you're all I've got to lose 
            C                       Am 
They say it's gray, but we see it white 
              F                 G 
And if I'm lost, thank God I'm lost with you 

C                   Am     F          G 
Sometimes there's only so much we can take 
C                   Am     F          G 
By the time you arrived, we all needed a break 
C                   Am     F          G 
Sometimes it's ok if we lose our minds 
C                   Am               F   G 
Sometimes it's the only way out of a fight 

    C              G            Am          F 
It's ok to fight back, it's alright if you lose 
    C      G                     Am             F 
It's ok to give up, we'll still love you if you do 

(Refrão 2x) 
E-Chords has the most powerful ukulele chords dictionary on the internet. You can enter any chord and even choose the pitch of each string.

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