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Tell Me Why Ukulele tab




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Tell Me Why

Tono:  G
Intro: G A B C 

verse 1:  

C                          D              Am                      G    
Sailing heartships through broken harbors, out on the waves in the night  
C                       D                   Am                  G 
Still the searcher must ride the dark horse, racing along in his stride 

D Am C G Tell me why... D Am C G Tell me why... Bm C Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself D C Bm Em When you're old enough to repay but young enough to sell....
Break ((with grace notes)): C D D C B Am B G verse 2: C D Am G Tell me lies later come and see me, I'll be around for a while C D Am G I am lonely but you can free me, all in the way that you smile
D Am C G Tell me why... D Am C G Tell me why... Bm C Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself D C Bm Em When you're old enough to repay but young enough to sell....
Break ((with grace notes)): C D D C B Am B G C D D C B Am B G
D Am C G Tell me why... D Am C G Tell me why... Bm C Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself D C Bm Em When you're old enough to repay but young enough to sell....
Break ((with grace notes)): C D D C B Am B G (end)
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