Noel Gallagher

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(It's Good) To Be Free Ukulele tab

Noel Gallagher



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(It's Good) To Be Free

Tono:  Em
Intro: Em  G4(6)  A  Am 

Head like a rock spinning round and round 
I found it in a hole sitting upside down 
 A                       Am                    Em 
You point the finger at me but I don't believe 
Paint me a wish on a velvet sky 
You demand the answers but don't know why 
A         Am                 Em 
In my mind there is no time 

    Em            G               A 
Yeah little things they make me so happy 
    Em         G             A 
All I want to do is live by the sea 
    Em            G               A 
Yeah little things they make me so happy 
   A         Am                                   Em 
But it's good yes it's good it's good to be free 

So what would you say if I said to you 
It's not in what you say it's in what you do 
A                        Am                       Em 
You point the finger at me but I don't believe 
Bring it on home to where we found 
Head is like a rock sitting upside down 
A         Am                  Em 
In my mind there is no time 

    Em            G               A 
Yeah little things they make me so happy 
    Em         G             A 
All I want to do is live by the sea 
    Em            G               A 
Yeah little things they make me so happy 
   A         Am                                   Em 
But it's good yes it's good it's good to be free 
   A         Am                                   Em 
But it's good yes it's good it's good to be free 

Em  G  A 
A  Am  Em
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