Jon Bellion

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One More Time Ukulele tab

Jon Bellion



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One More Time

Tono:  C
Intro: C Am 

verse 1 
C                 Am C F C F 
Yeah, yeah! 
C                             F 
Your father said he would break my legs 
If I ever came around again! 
C                           F 
I don't mind risking the wheelchai 
ssIf we could get another round in 

          C                     F 
Oh-oo-oh you told him you would stay away 
C                    F 
But here you are, I kiss your face 
C                        F 
You touch my chest, I feel your legs 
We're in too far (yeah!), I hear you say (yeah!) 

Am  C       F 
One more time 
C                                        F 
(I need you, I need you, I need you! I need you, I need you, I need you!) 
Am  C      F 
One more time 
C                                        F 
(I need you, I need you, I need you! I need you, I need you, I need you!) 

verse 2 
C                       F 
It's dangerous in this action sequence 
      C                         F 
And I'm ready to die hard! (die hard) 
C                              F 
It's like we're stuck in an 80's movies 
As you're sneaking into my car! 

          C                     F 
Oh-oo-oh you told him you would stay away 
C                    F 
But here you are, I kiss your face 
C                        F 
You touch my chest, I feel your legs 
We're in too far (yeah!), I hear you say (yeah!) 

Am  C       F 
One more time 
C                                        F 
(I need you, I need you, I need you! I need you, I need you, I need you!) 
Am  C      F 
One more time 
C                                        F 
(I need you, I need you, I need you! I need you, I need you, I need you!) 

verse 3 
F                                               C 
As we wake up in my car, you're on my chest 
                   F                                         C 
Oh, and you got ninety missed calls, one hundred texts 
Screw your pops, let's get some IHOP! 
Screw your pops, let's get some IHOP! 
Screw your pops, let's get some IHOP! 
But before we go 
You told me that we should do it 


Am  C       F 
One more time 
F                                        F 
(I need you, I need you, I need you! I need you, I need you, I need you!) 
Am  C      F 
One more time 
C                                        F 
(I need you, I need you, I need you! I need you, I need you, I need you!) 
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