Johnny Cash

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The General Lee Ukulele tab

Johnny Cash


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The General Lee

(Thom Bresh/Johnny Cash)

Tono:  C
	        C             Am  
I'm a Charger, That Charges Through The Night  
Like An Orange Bolt Of Lightning, Passing Everything In Sight  
        G                            Am  
I'm The Best Pal The Duke Boy's Ever Had  
    F                               G   
I'm Thunder On The Highway, Looking Bad, Bad, Bad  
      C                Am   
I'm A Knight, Like The Kind In Shining Armor  
With My Polished Body Gleaming, I'm A Fighter And A Charger  
   G                                   Am 
If Trouble Comes Your Way Just Ask For Me  
F                             G         C  
My Friends All Know Me As THE GEN-E-RAL LEE  
F Em I'm The General Lee, A Pistol Pumping, Steel Belted Cavalry Dm Ill Never Let You Down When Your Riding With Me F G C C/B C/A C/G Buckle Up And I'll Show You What I Mean F Em Take A Look Back There, Sirens Going, Red Lights Flashing EVE-RY-WHERE Dm We'll Cross The Field And We'll Be Running Free F G Am F G Am They'll Eat Dust With Complements Of Me The General Lee
I'm A Hero, And That's How I'll Make You Feel When Your Riding Shotgun With Me And The Law Is At Your Heel I'm Glory Bound, But When The Chase Is Done I'll Take Off Through The Mountains And Have Fun, Fun, Fun I've Got Style, Tearing Through The Curves Let My Flag Wave Proudly To The People That I Serve I'm Number One And I Will Always Be The Pride Of The South They Call THE GEN-E-RAL LEE Chorus I'll Jump That Pond And We'll Be Running Free And They'll Go SwI'mming Complements Of Me The General Lee The General Lee The General Lee
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