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Broken Ukulele tab




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(Damon Albarn, Jamie Hewlett)

Tono:  Em
Intro: Em Dm 

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E|----12--12-10~----8--8------7-7-----1-1---1-1---- B|--12--12--------10-10-12~--7-7-7~--3-3-3~--3-3--- E|--12--10h12--------10--10------7-8-----1-1----- B|----12-----12~---10--10--10~--7-7-7~--3-3-3~---
Em Distant stars Dm Come in black or red Em I've seen their worlds Dm Inside my head Em They connect Dm With the fall of man Em They breathe you in Dm And dive as deep as they can Em Dm There's nothing you can do for them Em They are the force between Dm When the sunlight is arising Em Dm There's nothing you can say to him Em He is an outer heart Dm And the space has been broken (Refrão 2x) Em Dm It's broken Em Our love Dm Broken Em Is it far away in the Dm Glitter freeze Em Or in our eyes Dm Em Every time they leave It's by the light Dm Of the plasma springs Em We keep switched on Dm All through the night while we sleep Em Dm There's nothing you can do for them Em They are the force between Dm When the sunlight is arising Em Dm There's nothing you can say to her Em I am without a heart Dm And the space has been broken (Refrão 4x)
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