Dick Haimes

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The Way You Look Tonight Ukulele tab

Dick Haimes



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The Way You Look Tonight

(Jerome Kern )

Tono:  C
Intro C7M/9 Am7 Em7 A7/13- Dm7/9 F/G G7/9 
C7M/9 Am7    Dm7/9          G7/13-   Em7                    A7/13- 
Some   day,  when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold. 
Dm7/9       G7/13-                     Gm7  C7/9-        
I will feel a glow just thinking of you,   
             F7M       F/G     Em7 A7/13- Dm7/9 F/G                
And the way you look tonight. 
(*)               C7M/9 Am7 Dm7/9            G7/13-       Em7               A7/13-                     
You're so lovely, with your smile so warm, and your cheeks so soft, 
         Dm7/9 G7/13-                     Gm7  C7/9-                
There is nothing for me but to love you,  
F7M                 F/G          C7M/9   Fm7 Bb7/13 
And the way you look tonight. 
Eb7M    Edim          Fm7         Bb7/13  Eb7M    Edim   Fm7  Bb7/13      
With each word your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apart 
Eb7M    Edim          Fm7             Bb7     Eb7M        Ab7    Dm7 F/G  
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose, touches my foolish heart. 
                  C7M/9 Am7  Dm7/9   G7/13-    Em7                      A7/13- 
Yes you're lovely, never, ever change. Keep that breathless charm. 
Dm7/9                      G7/13-                Gm7  C7/9-     
Won't you please arrange it? 'Cause I love you 
 F7M                   F/G   C7M/9  (*)  A7/13- 
Just the way you look tonight. 
Interlude: C7M/9 Am7 Dm7/9 G7/13- Em7 A7/13- Dm7/9 G7/13- Gm7 C7/9- F7M                    
                 F/G C7M/9  A7/13- 
Eb7M    Edim          Fm7         Bb7/13  Eb7M    Edim   Fm7  Bb7/13      
With each word your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apart 
Eb7M    Edim          Fm7             Bb7     Eb7M        Ab7    Dm7 F/G  
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose, touches my foolish heart. 
                  C7M/9 Am7  Dm7/9   G7/13-    Em7                      A7/13- 
Yes you're lovely, never, ever change. Keep that breathless charm. 
Dm7/9                      G7/13-                Gm7  C7/9-     
Won't you please arrange it? 'Cause I love you 
               Dm7/9  G7/13- C7M/9 A7/13-           
Just the way you look tonight. 
               Dm7/9  G7/13- C7M/9 A7/13-           
Just the way you look tonight.  
              Dm7/9              G7/13-  C7M/9       
Darling. Just the way you look tonight. 
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