Billy Yates

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What Do You Want From Me Now Ukulele tab

Billy Yates

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What Do You Want From Me Now

(Mike Geiger/Billy Yates)

Tono:  E
Capo II Fret 
(D) You say you're wantin' more  
Than you had before 
You walked through my door 
If you (G) need it, I want you to have (D) it 
Love it's a give and take 
Do you wanna make 
A big mistake for(G)ever 
Or do you wanna stay to(D)gether 
I (A) give you my (D) trust 
I've (G) given in 'till I've given up 
I'd (A) give you (D) more if I knew (G) how 
I (A) give you my (D) love 
I (G) only wish that was enough 
(No Chord) What do you want from me (D) now 
Repeat Intro 
(D) Hey what's it gonna be 
Baby, can't you see 
This is killin' me 
To keep bel(G)ievin', give me one good reas(D)on 
There sits the moon and stars 
I got a givin' heart 
Show me where to start 
To (G) reach you, I just wanna (D) please you 
I (A) give you my (D) trust 
I've (G) given in 'till I've given up 
I'd (A) give you (D) more if I knew (G) how 
I (A) give you my (D) love 
I (G) only wish that was enough 
(No Chord) What do you want from me (D) now 
I (A) give you my (D) trust 
I've (G) given in 'till I've given up 
I'd (A) give you (D) more if I knew (G) how 
I (A) give you my (D) love 
I (G) only wish that was enough 
(No Chord) What do you want from me (D) now 
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