Lady Gaga

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Venus Teclado

Lady Gaga



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(Paul Blair/Lady Gaga/Hugo Leclercq/Nick Monson/Sun Ra/Dino Zisis)

Tono:  F#m Más
Venus Key C#mC#m
Venus Key DmDm
Venus Key D#mD#m
Venus Key EmEm(Disminuir uno tono)
Venus Key FmFm(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Venus Key F#mF#m(tono original)
Venus Key GmGm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Venus Key G#mG#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Venus Key AmAm
Venus Key A#mA#m
Venus Key BmBm
Venus Key CmCm
	  F#m (a introdução inteira) 
Rocket #9 take off to the planet 
To the planet 

Aphrodite lady seashell bikini 
Garden panty 

Let's blast off to a new dimension 
In your bedroom! 

Aphrodite lady seashell bikini 
Get with me 

D                                       Bm 
I can't help the way I'm feeling 
F#m                                                         A 
Goddess of Love please take me to your leader! 
D                                    Bm 
I can't help i keep on dancing 
F#m                                         A 
Goddess of Love! Goddess of Love! 

Take me to your planet (to the planet) 
Take me to your planet (to the planet) 
Take me to your leader (to the planet) 
Your leader, your leader (to the planet) 
Take me to your planet (to the planet) 
Take me to my planet (to the planet) 
Take me to your Venus (to the planet) 
Your Venus, your Venus (to the planet) 

F#m When you touch me I die A Just a little inside E I wonder if this could be love D This could be love F#m Cuz you're out of this world A Galaxy space and time E D I wonder if this could be love Venus
F#m (estrofe inteira) Have an oyster, baby It's Aphrod-i-sy Act sleazy Venus Worship to the land A girl from the planet (to the planet) To the planet Pré-refrão: D Bm I can't help the way I'm feeling F#m A Goddess of Love please take me to your leader! D Bm I can't help i keep on dancing F#m A Goddess of Love! Goddess of Love! F#m Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to your leader (to the planet) Your leader, your leader (to the planet) Take me to your planet (to the planet) Take me to my planet (to the planet) Take me to your Venus (to the planet) Your Venus, your Venus (to planet)
F#m When you touch me I die A Just a little inside E I wonder if this could be love D This could be love F#m Cuz you're out of this world A Galaxy space and time E D I wonder if this could be love Venus
F#m Venus Neptune! Go! Now serve Pluto! Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus - uh ha! Uranus! Don't you know my ass is famous? Mars! Now serve for the gods! Earth, serve for the stars!
F#m When you touch me I die A Just a little inside E I wonder if this could be love D This could be love F#m Cuz you're out of this world A Galaxy space and time E D I wonder if this could be love Venus

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