
Início > Beech > acordes

Lovers Teclado




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Tono:  Em Más
Lovers Key BmBm
Lovers Key CmCm
Lovers Key C#mC#m
Lovers Key DmDm(Disminuir uno tono)
Lovers Key D#mD#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Lovers Key EmEm(tono original)
Lovers Key FmFm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Lovers Key F#mF#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Lovers Key GmGm
Lovers Key G#mG#m
Lovers Key AmAm
Lovers Key A#mA#m

 Strophe I:  

Em             C                              G     
I'm awake, double check if i'm awake 
Em              C                             G 
Pinch my arms you will do no harm 
Am I awake? 

Em                                                      C 
I feel like you are someone that i've known before 
But i've never been this happy though my memory is poor 
Em                        C 
More than mates? 
Oh I think this could be fate 

D                      Em     C           G 
       Were just lovers Like no others 
 D                        Em            
I see that in your smile7 
C                        G 
and mines there too 
D                  Em     C          G 
    Were just lovers Like no others 
D                        Em   C                 G 
Cos I was just a half, until I found you 

Home Late 
C                            G 
Cold nights full of mistakes 
Em                                                     C                                     G 
Broken bottles bruised knuckles the past was empty and grey 
Em                                      C                             G 
I prey that your the person i'v been waiting for 
Em                         C                               G 
so i can keep you smiling never prayed before 
Em                    C                         G 
Feel the same? Same book same page? 

D                   Em     C          G 
     Were just lovers Like no others 
D                         Em 
I see that in your smile 
C                       G  
and mines there too 
D                   Em      C          G 
     Were just lovers Like no others 
D                        Em   C                  G 
Cos I was just a half, until I found you 

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Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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