Duda Sings

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Memories Acordes

Duda Sings



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(Eduarda Barreto / Altea Ali)

Tono:  C Más
Memories Key GG
Memories Key G#G#
Memories Key AA
Memories Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
Memories Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Memories Key CC(tono original)
Memories Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Memories Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
Memories Key D#D#
Memories Key EE
Memories Key FF
Memories Key F#F#
	  C                        Dm 
I remember all from that night 
We were driving through the city lights 
I took your hand and you said it's alright 

Never thought you could lie to my eyes 

C                                  Dm 
Safe and sound from the problems around 
Didn't know you were the biggest I'd found 
Guess one could say that you had it your way 

I'll always be the one that got away 

And I 

Dm                                  Am 
Thought I could trust you with my life 
You were the one who made it right 

Through dusk and dawn thought you were by my side 

          C                       Dm 
And memories flow back into my mind 
              Am                                          G 
As I walk through the streets where you once called me 'mine' 
   C               Dm               Am 
Oh no, I can't go home, I'll feel alone 
As the thought of you comes back 

 C                           Dm 
Memories flow back into my life 
      Am                                   G 
As I walk through the streets where you once called me 'mine' 
      C                  Dm                     Am 
Oh no, I tried to move on, but I'm still caught on 
             G          C 
As the memories rush back 

          Dm                      Am 
I often think if i'm free or just lonely 
            G                   C 
You made me feel like the only one 
Later I found things I couldn't see 
Am                        G                                                                          
Told other girls the same three words you told me 

C                                   Dm 
Sometimes I wonder if you've ever known 
Am                   G 
All the times that I felt alone 
C                                Dm 
I could feel your lies through my bones 
     Am                                 G 
My heart's so full of you that I can't call it my own 

And I 

Dm                                Am 
Thought I could trust you with my life 
Took some time to see the light 

Through dusk and dawn had to deal it on my own 

          C                   Dm 
And memories flow back into my mind 
              Am                         G 
As I walk through the streets where you once called me 'mine' 
      C                     Dm               Am 
Oh no,  although you let go, I'll always know 
As the thought of you comes back 

 C                        Dm 
Memories flow back into my life 
              Am                          G 
As I walk through the streets where you once called me 'mine' 
      C                     Dm               Am 
Oh no,  I called your phone, but you were gone 
As the memories rush back 

 C                          Dm 
Took some time to see that it's all done 
Am                     G 
I just missed the you that I was the one 
 C                       Dm 
Oh, he's stuck in the past 
I can't get him back 
The memories all that I have 

 C                   Dm 
Memories flow back into my mind 
      Am                   G 
As I look for that person frozen in time 
     C                     Dm 
Oh no, I'll still pretend 
It's not the end 
            G           C 
I guess until we meet again 

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