Dianne Reeves

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My Old Flame Acordes

Dianne Reeves



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My Old Flame

(Sam Coslow and Arthur Johnston)


G  Gdim Bm5-/7  
My old flame    
 E7   Am        Am7        F7  D7  
I can't even think of his name 
      G          C7   F7     Bb6          Gdim  
But it's funny, now and then, how my thoughts go flashing back again  
 D  A7  Am5-/7   D7 D7/13-  
To my old flame 
G  Gdim Bm5-/7   
My old flame    
  E7    Am      Am7        F7  D7  
My new lovers all seem so tame 
      G             C7   F7    Bb6        Gdim  
For I haven't met a gent so magnificent or elegant  
   D7 A7   F7  
As my old flame 
Bb                       Am5-/7      C#m5-/7  
I've met so many who had fascinatin' ways 
   G7              C4/7       C7  
A fascinatin' gaze in their eyes 
F7              D7  Gsus4  
Some who took me up to the skies 
  A7                   D7        C#m5-/7  
But their attempts at love were only imitations of  
G  Gdim Bm5-/7     
My old flame   
   E7   Am    Am7          F7     D7  
I can't even think of his name 
     G          C7     F7    Bb6        Gdim  
But I'll never be the same until I discover what became  
 Am C#m5-/7    G  
Of my  old flame 

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